Determine if your niche/B2B audience is active on Shorts

We'll run an experiment to repurpose your podcast/video on a new unbranded social channel to help you figure out (managed service)

Determine once and for all your ICP's activity on Shorts/TikTok

Finally have clear answers to the following questions

"I'm unsure if my audience is active on TikTok/Shorts"

The biggest concern is that your audience is too niche / B2B / "senior" to be active on popular short-form apps

“I’m unsure my audience will engage w/ my video content”

Is your content interesting enough to get our ideal customer to engage and watch through?

"I don’t want to have low view numbers which signals failure"

While experimenting is important, there is negative impact in showing a "failed" social experiment. We got you.

You only need to take 1 step

After an initial onboarding this entire process is hands-off for you.

1. Onboarding

You share 10 episodes with us and fill out a form about your target audience (ICP)

2. Channel Creation

We open a new, non-branded social media channel for your content based on your ICP

3. Content Analysis

We analyze 10 of your podcast episodes and extract moments likely to engage your audience

4. Clip Editing

We create 5 engaging clips from each episode including 3 posting variations (hook/title) 

5. Clip Posting (3 x day)

Includes writing captions, hashtags and hooks for each clip variation to succeed

6. Analize & Improve

Improve according to  what worked better on  previous episodes (topics, hooks)

What you'll learn?

Within 2-months you'll determine if short-form video is a viable path for you. At the end of the experiment, you'll receive:

  • Engagement Report: get a clear go/no-go recommendation with a detailed report to inform future decisions
  • Audience Insights: Improve your content by learning what segments of your content were engaged the most and least
  • New Channel: Decide if you'd like to claim the social channel with 50+ videos and have your team own it
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All this for $5,000

one-time investment for 2-month experiment